Sunday, March 13, 2011

Special Play-time Toys

For info on the Special Play-time... click HERE

Toy Checklist for Special Play-Time
Note: Obtain sturdy cardboard box with sturdy lid to store toys in (box that copier paper comes in is ideal–the deep lid becomes a dollhouse). Use an old quilt or blanket to spread toys out on and to serve as a boundary for the play area.

Real-Life Toys (also promote imaginative play)
Small baby doll: should not be anything “special”; can be extra one that child does not play with anymore
Nursing bottle: real one so it can be used by the child to put a drink in during the session
Doctor kit (with stethoscope): add three Band-Aids for each session (add disposable gloves/Ace bandage, if you have)
Toy phones: recommend getting two in order to communicate: one cell, one regular
Small dollhouse: use deep lid of box the toys are stored in–draw room divisions, windows, doors, and so forth inside of lid
Doll family: bendable mother, father, brother, sister, baby, and so forth (ethnically representative)
Play money: bills and coins; credit card is optional
Couple of domestic and wild animals: if you don’t have doll family, can substitute an animal family (e.g., horse, cow family)
Car/Truck: one to two small ones (could make specific to child’s needs, e.g., an ambulance)
Kitchen dishes: couple of plastic dishes, cups, and eating utensils
Puppets: one aggressive, one gentle; can be homemade or purchased (animal shaped cooking mittens, etc.)
Doll furniture: for a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen
Dress up: hand mirror, bandana, scarf; small items you already have around the house

Acting-Out Aggressive Toys (also promote imaginative play)
Dart guns with a couple of darts and a target: parent needs to know how to operate
Rubber knife: small, bendable, army type
Rope: prefer soft rope (can cut the ends off jump rope)
Aggressive animal: (e.g., snake, shark, lion, dinosaurs—strongly suggest hollow shark!)
Small toy soldiers (12–15): two different colors to specify two teams or good guys/bad guys
Inflatable bop bag (Bobo clown style preferable)
Mask: Lone Ranger type
Toy handcuffs with a key

Toys for Creative/Emotional Expression
Playdough: suggest a cookie sheet to put playdough on to contain mess—also serves as a flat surface for drawing
Crayons: eight colors, break some and peel paper off (markers are optional for older children but messier)
Plain paper: provide a few pieces of new paper for each session
Scissors: not pointed, but cut well (e.g., child Fiskars_)
Transparent tape: remember, child can use up all of this, so buy several of smaller size
Egg carton, styrofoam cup/bowl: for destroying, breaking, or coloring
Deck of playing cards
Soft foam ball
Two balloons per play session
Selection of arts/crafts materials in a ziplock bag (e.g., colored construction paper, glue, yarn, buttons, beads, scraps of
fabrics, raw noodles, etc —much of this depends on age of child)
Tinkertoys_/small assortment of building blocks
Tambourine, drum, or other small musical instrument
Magic wand
Reminder: Toys need not be new or expensive. Avoid selecting more toys than will fit in a box—toys should be small. In some cases, additional toys can be added based on child’s need and with therapist approval. If unable to get every toy before first play session, obtain several from each category—ask therapist for help in prioritizing. Note: Unwrap any new toys or take out of box before play session. Toys should look inviting.
Here are some pictures of our setup.  We do NOT have all of the toys listed.  I do have a "bopbag" but I didn't have it setup for this session. 

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