Saturday, June 26, 2010

Respite's Back On!

Well, the couple that was going to do respite for a second time, had an emergency so the kids came to our house for respite. 

These kids are really good kids.  I feel bad that they had to become victims of circumstance.  The girl is 16, and she is very motherly to her 11 year old brother.  He and she both are very talkative and well mannered.  They haven't had many opportunties in life, especially those most kids take for granted. 

They got here around 10:00am and we hung around the house for a bit.  Then I took them to Chik-Fila where they hadn't eaten before.  They loved it!  After that we had about 30 minutes to kill before the movie, so I told them we would swing by Wal-mart and they could each have $10 to buy a toy etc.  He decided on some sort of Poke-mon toy, she went for a CD.  Then we took them to the movies today, the head index is about 102 here today, so we had to plan indoor activities.  The 11 yr old hadn't ever been to a movie theater.  His sister leaned over during the movie and said, "Thank you so much for being to nice to us, I think this is the best day my brother has ever had in his life".   I was in tears after that, but I hid it well!  Later she told me this would probably be the best time they have in foster care.   Their foster family has four children of their own, so including these two, they don't have much left to take family outings. 

I guess here in our house we take those things SO MUCH for granted.  These kids take cabs/buses when they go places, they don't have a car.  The little boy saw a cab at Wal-mart and he said "Hey it's cab 70, we know that guy, can I stop and tell him hello?"  I didn't let him.   They don't eat out (nor did they have much food in their home) or go to movies, the pool, or the lake.  It saddens me.  I mean in their eyes, they landed in the lap of luxury for the weekend, and in our eyes this is just what we do for fun! 

It really has given me a new appreciation for the things I DO have, as well as an understanding that there really aren't many things I DON'T have.   I have a home, food, clothes, transportation, and more love from my husband and family then I could have ever imagined possible!  For that, I am so very very thankful.

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