Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Craziness!

Well, Thanksgiving is over.  It was a rough day for Layla.  As was today.  She's been very clingy lately.  As I am typing that last sentence though, I realize we finally had a cold spell here, and she and her sister were removed from their birthmom around this time of year two years ago.   Hmmmm... well we will see what happens tomorrow.  Hopefully she can keep it together!

So Thanksgiving morning we did a big breakfast, and went around the table to say what we were thankful for.  Both girls said for us, their house, their rooms, toys, etc.   I said I was thankful for them, and my amazing husband who works very hard to give us a nice house, cars, things.  Layla goes, "Yea, daddy is like Santa!"   It was cute.

That is about all going on here.  The tree is up, but not decorated yet.  Layla is not going to be able to decorate with us because she chose not to nap today, and the consequence for her choice was not decorating the tree.  She also pitched a GRADE-A F-I-T!  So she is having a time out from the things she would normally enjoy. 


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