Monday, January 25, 2010

Moving Forward!

So, we're done with fertility treatments! My heart, and my husband's heart are being led towards adoption. I realize there is still going to be an emotional roller-coaster involved, but at the end of the ride, we are going to be parents. That is something fertility treatments can't guarantee.

We are going through our local Social Services to become foster parents. When you train to be a foster parent, they also complete a home study to approve you for adoption. Our intent is to only foster children already legally free from their biological family.

I know in my heart there is a little girl, little boy, or both waiting for a mom and dad, and they don't even realize that we're waiting for them too.

I am so excited to start this process.

This weekend we painted the bedroom and installed new flooring. We also are getting a bed and I bought the cutest bedding. I guess I need to add some photos to this blog.

So right now we're just waiting to get our training started! Our first initial home check is Wednesday at 3:45. Just a quick run through to check fire detectors etc.

I will keep everyone posted!

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